Change begins with me

Every single person I have met wants a form of success. Some want to succeed in the job, get promoted, work with purpose, succeed in the relationship, make a contribution, bring up great children, leave a legacy, make more money, achieve financial freedom, and fulfill their potential.

To achieve the above calls for personal change. Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t become successful by looking outside yourself. Success is what you attract by who you become. You first become and then success is the by-product. I have encountered scores of people who are looking outside themselves for success. Your current challenges with success stems from within you. Always remember that success is an inside job!

It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg – C.S. Lewis
To achieve success, personal change is a precondition. It is impossible to achieve success by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Your success is hidden in your daily routine. What are you doing on a daily basis? Is what you are doing moving you in the direction of your goals and dreams? To be successful, you don’t have to look outside yourself, start by looking within. As within, so without! Your outside results are a reflection of your inward condition.

You cannot fly like an eagle and continue to scratch with the chickens. Put another way, you cannot succeed by doing things the same way you have always done them. You cannot do things the same way and expect a different result. Embracing change opens doors and possibilities for each person. Change in whatever form, shape, or size ushers in new possibilities and perspectives. If change is the new normal then it makes a lot sense to learn to work with change now, be very good at riding the waves of change as opposed to working around it or resisting it. Resisting change is a waste of time. Change will happen whether you agree with it or not.

If you want to be very effective, efficient and successful in life, then going through change that comes in the form of challenges, opportunities, and possibilities will set you up for success. It will take time, effort and sometimes PAIN to gain mastery, however, remember every master was once a disaster.

Do you want to fly with the eagles? Then recondition your mind to anticipate and embrace change. Work on yourself. Make the necessary changes and get ready to fly!

Here are a few suggestions for going through change:
Talk to a trusted friend, colleague, and family member about your anxieties, concerns and fears about change. Reflect on how the change will impact your life, family, work, and social networks. Maintain an open mind, prepare yourself psychologically to ride the waves of change, if there are various programs to help you through change, participate in those programs. Be open and curious enough to learn, re-prioritize your life and work so that you can cope with the change. The only way you will have the future you want is to create it! You are in charge of the choices and decisions you make. You are more than you think!

Dr. George AyeeComment