Negative effects of complaining

Complaining can be a destructive habit. Some people are chronic complainers and to them the glass is always half empty. When it rains they talk about how gloomy life is and when it’s hot and dry they complain about the heat and the dust around. Constant complaining makes things look worse than they are, it becomes a habit and in the end everything looks bad and nothing is good. Complaining makes you and others despondent, it kills innovation and creativity.

There are two ways to complain. One is constructive complaining which is aimed at improving something to avert future problems. Constructive complaining is when you see a problem in your work environment you complain to whoever can do something about it.

Constructive complaining is about complaining in a way that leads to a problem being addressed rather than leading to more complaining. Destructive complaining is negative, malicious and negative. It seeks to amplify a situation, create confusion, and is toxic to the environment. Show me a very unhappy person and I will show you a life full of complaints. We should avoid the constant complaining, grumbling and moaning, where we’re always complaining about the same things, to the same people, in the same way, day in and day out.

Here is a simple suggestion to try out. This will make a significant difference in your life and also improve your attitude, behavior and outlook. It will also impact positively the people around you. Go 24 hours without complaining (not even once) then watch your life start changing. When you change, the results You are more than you think!

Dr. George AyeeComment