The gift called stretch

You can never know how far a rubber band will go until you stretch it to the maximum. Likewise you can never know what you are made off or capable of doing until you stretch yourself to the maximum. Your ability to stretch and use your imagination is a gift. Those who continue to raise the bar, stretch to do and give their very best are the ones making a difference in their work and life. The comfort zone where we all feel comfortable is always at war with the concept of stretch. Every single human being is engineered for increase, has the desire to do more, stretch, or be more. The new inventions and discoveries we see, the technologies making our lives easy and better, the jobs we have, were all created from someone’s imagination and creativity. More importantly, someone’s willingness to stretch, become uncomfortable, do more, have more, and create financial freedom for self and many others all came about from the Gift called Stretch. Are you stretching yourself in your job, career, business, home, and in whatever you currently find yourself? Giving yourself the permission to do more and be more is a gift to yourself and the people you love.

Many years ago, I read that God’s greatest gift to us is life and the way we use that life is our gift back to God. You have great potential, you have greatness within you. You have the capacity and ability to do the impossible if you are ready to stretch. Too many people have settled for the bear minimum but not you. Some have come up with creative excuses not to stretch but not you. If only you know how far you can go, and if only you are aware of how much you can do, it will amaze you. Make a decision right now to stretch, be more, do more, and live the life of your dreams. Remember if it is to be it’s up to you!

For the next one week, identify an area where you want to stretch yourself to do more, be more, give more. Secondly, develop an action plan to make it possible. Thomas Stearns Eliot said “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find how far they can go”

Here is my question for the week. If you could do better, should you? You are better than you think!

Dr. George AyeeComment