Thoughts are feelings

I am very fascinated with the subject of thought. Our thinking patterns have created our current realities and results and if only we watch what we allow into our thinking, we may be able to influence the quality of the results we get. In my quest to understand why I do the things I do, act the way I do, why people behave the way they do and do the things they do, and why people will resist change even if the change is a good thing, I went on a hunt for information to understand the paradox.

My search led me to a profound discovery and it can be summed up in the words of James Allen “You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you” This statement says we are responsible for our current results and will be responsible for our future results no matter how creative our excuses might be. We continue to create our current realities through what we think about. Our daily actions, behavior, attitude, routines, are a result of thought. Your result as an individual is an inside job. We first create in thought, and then see the results as evidence.

The great businesses we see are a result of someone’s creative thought. The fantastic buildings we admire first started in someone’s imagination. What are you using your imagination for? Are you using your great mind to come up with excuses why you cannot do this or that? It is very interesting to hear people blaming others for their lack of achievement or progress. Some blame the government, their spouse, the boss, the family heritage, the schools they went to and many others except themselves. Let me give you the shocking news, you have created your current realities and when you begin to accept responsibility for where you are in life you will begin the journey of change.

​When you change, the results change. This leads me to the question, could our current thinking patterns create the results we want and don’t want? And could the replacement of these thinking patterns change the results? The answer is a resounding YES. Our current result is not an outside job but rather an inside job. Your outward visible results are a reflection of your inward condition. You can never be any different from what you are inside even if you fake it for years. Do we think about what we are thinking about? Or do we allow any thought to run rampant and flow freely through our minds? Life is not a dress rehearsal and so each day you spend thinking about the wrong stuff, you are wasting away.

The pictures we paint on the canvas of our minds are creating the realities we have. Each one of us is given a LOT in life and it’s our job to build whatever we want on this LOT. The question is what are you building on your LOT? Changing the way we think takes work and time because we have thought a certain way for years. The good news is this, when you make the decision and commit to replace negative dis-empowering thoughts with healthy, results oriented, problem solving, flawless execution thoughts you will then achieve the results you want. You are better than you think!

Dr. George AyeeComment